Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bottles, Barbies, and Boys!

From SiteFinder;

Bottles, Barbies, and Boys!

A blog site, created and rather hectically maintained by a stay at home mom who's life is... well, shall we say... Full?

Here is an excerpt from a recent post,

(Warning, this is a day in the life of a stay at home mom. So guys, you may want to pass on this. And working girl, eat your heart out!)

"...on the way to school. Half way there Kailey started puking all over the seat and floor. I stopped and was looking for anything I could to sop it up and give her something to puke in. The first and only handy thing around was Jacob's blanket. Not the best of choices but we were desperate. There is nothing worse than the smell of puke! I was doing everything I could to drive and stop gagging. Kailey's in the back still puking and Jacob, who copies everything, is making coughing noises as though he is puking too. Usually when we get to school Madisen is so slow to get out of the car. This morning I've never seen her move so fast,..."
You see what I mean?
And let's face it guys, any of us would be Proud to have a wife of this caliber. Let us all hope and pray therefore, that her husband realizes this, and treats her well with all the respect and admiration she "deserves".

This is a Great and Fun site to visit and More, it is the site to go to when maybe your day isn't going so well. So without further a due, SiteFinder gives you;


1 comment:

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

I just found this post through Technorti, lol...thanks for the sassy sweet things you said!