Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Trash Dispatch

With news and events happening around the world at lighting speeds, and with the Liberal and Conservative news medias spinning those events to their own advantage, it is refreshing to find a piece written with the expressed purpose of exposing lies, dispelling deception, and replacing it with the truth about what those events mean , and where they will lead.

In their own words, "the purpose of the Trash Dispatch is Trash Disposal! But even more important than our disposing of trash, is what we do with the void left behind". Believeing that it is not enough to know when someone has lied to you, the Trash Dispatch tells you "why" they lied, and why they will do it again, as long as they "think" they can get away with it.

So check out the Trash Dispatch for a different perspective of not only your represenitives in government, and of your government "itself"; but also for a look into the future of your nation and of the world, as the Trash Dispatch uses the physical law of "Action - Reaction", to determine just exactly where we are headed in both the short, and long term futures.

But also because, the Trash Dispatch "welcomes all comments", anonymous or otherwise , as they believe in the Power of the people. And that the Power of the people, is in knowing and exposing the truth. And that's why "The Trash Dispatch", is SiteFinder's website of the week.