Saturday, October 07, 2006

Gifs Gifs Gifs and More Free Gifs

When I first started surfing the net, the one thing that I loved to do, was to look at all the FREE Gifs. Here are some of my favorite sites with lots and Lots of FREE Gifs.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Looking to buy a car?

Chevrolet, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, American Motors? Yes, and even foreign motors as well. Ed Wallace knows his auotmobiles. In fact, Car & Driver Magazine has called "Wheels with Ed Wallace" the best automotive talk show in America". And I have to agree with them. You see I listen to Ed Wallace as I am surfing the net looking for really cool websites. And I can tell you that on top of his 20+yrs of experience in the automotive industry, he is *Not just doing a radio show*.

He actually "Listens" to his callers, (people who call in to his radio show expressing their concerns about buying a certain car), and "Cares" enough to go into details with a caller to make sure that they a have a Complete understanding, (or as complete as the caller is able to absorb), of the car they are about to purchase. Myself, having called into radio shows before, can tell you that some, if not Most, radio show host; care more about "putting on a show" and promoting their "advertisers" rather than actually helping people. And that's why I have spotlighted Ed Wallace's website "Inside Automotive".

But there's More! I mean sure, Ed Wallace is full of valuable infomation if your looking to buy a new or used car. Or even to figure out what is wrong with the one you got. But then, there is his Stories, from the "Backside of America". I can't really tell you enough about how CooL these stories are so you will just have to tune in to radio 570KLIF in the Dallas, Ft Worth area, Saturday mornings at 8am. and listen. Somewhat comparable to Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story", Ed Wallace's Backside of America, is Much more intreresting, and you actually walk away thinking, "so That's what happened!"

"Too often we take for granted — and appreciate too little — not just what has been given to us, but also the sacrifices it cost previous generations to win those gifts." -Ed Wallace

That's a quote from Ed's article "Cars, Freedom and Low Finance", which is now posted on his "Ed Wallace Blog". Read it for just a taste of Ed's character, and I think you you agree that Ed Wallace's website, "Inside Automotive", deserves a spot here at The SiteFinder!