Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Antiques Market- online auctions 4 antiques, collectables

Welcome to the Antiques Market

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Monday, May 26, 2008

The Comic Book Listings Blog

SiteFinder, has discovered;

The Comic Book Listings Blog

Now here's an interesting website. While it is a Shopping blog, The Comic Book Listings Blog -as are Comic Books themselves- is built around entertainment and is intended to be an entertainment blog even as much as it is a Shopping blog.

Created by: The Bargain Hunter -here is what he has to say about his Comic Book Listings Blog;

About Me

I am The Bargain Hunter!
I collect Comic Books, all kinds of Memorabilia, and your basic household junk. Of course, I can't really afford to Buy Everything I find. So I started The Comic Book Listings Blog!

The Comic Book Listings Blog features both "User and Hand-Picked" Classified Comic Book Listings, Movies, Memorabilia, and News articles. You can even Post Your Comic Book Listing! FREE!!! via Email!

Comic Book Listings also provides "The Comic Book Store" which was designed and Painstakingly Stocked, with every Comic Book Related thing, that has to offer.

All items have been Re-Classified, and Re-Categorized, to make shopping for Comic Book related items Much Easier, and Faster, than Endlessly searching for Comic Book related products on itself.

In deed, all you need to do is "click" on a category, and everything that has that is Comic Book related -in that category- will appear right before your eyes.

Got Comics?

Well there you have it!
The Comic Book Listings Blog.
Read it, and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bottles, Barbies, and Boys!

From SiteFinder;

Bottles, Barbies, and Boys!

A blog site, created and rather hectically maintained by a stay at home mom who's life is... well, shall we say... Full?

Here is an excerpt from a recent post,

(Warning, this is a day in the life of a stay at home mom. So guys, you may want to pass on this. And working girl, eat your heart out!)

"...on the way to school. Half way there Kailey started puking all over the seat and floor. I stopped and was looking for anything I could to sop it up and give her something to puke in. The first and only handy thing around was Jacob's blanket. Not the best of choices but we were desperate. There is nothing worse than the smell of puke! I was doing everything I could to drive and stop gagging. Kailey's in the back still puking and Jacob, who copies everything, is making coughing noises as though he is puking too. Usually when we get to school Madisen is so slow to get out of the car. This morning I've never seen her move so fast,..."
You see what I mean?
And let's face it guys, any of us would be Proud to have a wife of this caliber. Let us all hope and pray therefore, that her husband realizes this, and treats her well with all the respect and admiration she "deserves".

This is a Great and Fun site to visit and More, it is the site to go to when maybe your day isn't going so well. So without further a due, SiteFinder gives you;


Monday, February 11, 2008


I posted this email link Months ago. And Still, no one has used it. I mean come on people! What's wrong? Ok, so maybe your site won't be seen by Millions of people if you post your Blog/website address here at SiteFinder. And maybe SiteFinder isn't the Google Directory. But this is a Freebie! ...No Cost! ...No REGISTRATION!!! ...No Nothing , but clicking SiteFinder's email address above, and sending an email with the Name of your Blog/website in the "Subject" field, and the url/address of your Blog/website in the "Body" of your email.

Oh, and PLEASE feel Free to write Anything you want about your Blog/website (Long description / short description, long as you Keep it Clean), or write whatever you feel like writing, even if you Don't have a Blog or website. In deed, "use This blog" as your blog! That way, you don't have to learn html, register, Maintain your site (fix it when it breaks), or even moderate Spam and/or porn or anything but, SEND AN EMAIL!!! ...How hard can i be?
Let's see. Click the email link above and...
Whalaa! Your email client pops up, and your in business (so to speak).

Listen! Even if the only email you send is a question, or even a Fart, send it! Because I don't know how long I will be able to offer this. I mean, I would have thought the Spam bots would have found this email address by now. But they haven't. So until they do, I will keep the offer open. If you want to publish your Blog/website address here at SiteFinder along with a description your Blog or website, then "What Are You Waiting For???

Click the email link above and Get After it!!!

If you want to do a Test post First, "Fine"!

Write "Test", in the Subject heading of your email, along with "Test" in the Body of your email, "Click SEND", and as soon as I get a "round-toit", I will delete it. Oh, and don't worry, your email address will NOT be posted!

so Get Started NOW!!!
and Click the email address above!

Thank You!

Edit: I have just found that you can Not send a pic in your email, and it be posted as I had hoped.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

been a while

this blog is about to change