Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Temporary Inbox, Temporary Forwarding, really, Really Cool!

[Note: SiteFinder uses the following service. No spam for me thank you.]

Temporary Inbox

A temporary inbox is a disposable email address, which doesn't require registration and can be used to avoid spam. Use this email address in forums, lotteries, erotic sites or wherever. The spammers will never find out your private email address.

Do you hate, receiving spam in your private account?
And no spam filter or spam blocker works good enough for you? Thats no more a problem! Get your free disposable/temporary email now.
A disposable email address is something like a temporary account,
which can be used to avoid spam. For example use your temporary email account at registrations. So they will never know your private address.
No Registration needed!!!

Reasons why you could use this temporary email address service:

  • You want to stay anonymous
  • You hate spam in your own private inbox
  • Everytime when you want to signup at an adult site with your daddy's email address, you get "address already in use"
  • The mails will be deleted automatically after 6 hours
  • You can delete the mails manually as well
  • You don't have to register the account first to use it
  • This service is faster than all other similiar services

Temporary Forwarding

You can use this forwarding email address to register at websites/boards/lotteries and so on. As soon as you recognize that you recieve spam, you can delete the forwarding and create a new one.

You don't like the idea with the disposable email addresses? There is still one more chance to convince you to use my services ;)
The other way to block spam is "temporary forwarding".
You can create an email address @temporaryforwarding.com, which forwards all mails to your private email account. You can use this forwarding email address to register at websites/boards/lotteries and so on. As soon as you recognize that you receive spam, you can delete the forwarding and create a new one :) The differences between the disposable email addresses and the temporary forwarding are the following:
  • You can still use random email addresses but the domain is @temporaryforwarding.com
  • The mails are not stored in my database. They will be forwarded to your private email address.
  • There is a small registration needed. Only a password and your private email address.
  • You can delete the forwarding whenever you want!

Links: Temporary Inbox
Temporary Forwarding

Monday, November 20, 2006

Classified Listings

Now here's a CooL Site. Classified listings is a "blog" that post Fantastics Deals from Classifieds Ad sites. They shop, so you don't have to. And they have some really cool Christmas/holiday Gift Ideas. So Check'em out at "http://classifiedlistingsblog.blogspot.com/".

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


YouTube.com is really cool and all the rage. Not only for "watchers", but for "would be" producers as well. Got a Video Camera? Well, make a movie and post it at YouTube.com.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Trash Dispatch

With news and events happening around the world at lighting speeds, and with the Liberal and Conservative news medias spinning those events to their own advantage, it is refreshing to find a piece written with the expressed purpose of exposing lies, dispelling deception, and replacing it with the truth about what those events mean , and where they will lead.

In their own words, "the purpose of the Trash Dispatch is Trash Disposal! But even more important than our disposing of trash, is what we do with the void left behind". Believeing that it is not enough to know when someone has lied to you, the Trash Dispatch tells you "why" they lied, and why they will do it again, as long as they "think" they can get away with it.

So check out the Trash Dispatch for a different perspective of not only your represenitives in government, and of your government "itself"; but also for a look into the future of your nation and of the world, as the Trash Dispatch uses the physical law of "Action - Reaction", to determine just exactly where we are headed in both the short, and long term futures.

But also because, the Trash Dispatch "welcomes all comments", anonymous or otherwise , as they believe in the Power of the people. And that the Power of the people, is in knowing and exposing the truth. And that's why "The Trash Dispatch", is SiteFinder's website of the week.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Gifs Gifs Gifs and More Free Gifs

When I first started surfing the net, the one thing that I loved to do, was to look at all the FREE Gifs. Here are some of my favorite sites with lots and Lots of FREE Gifs.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Looking to buy a car?

Chevrolet, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, American Motors? Yes, and even foreign motors as well. Ed Wallace knows his auotmobiles. In fact, Car & Driver Magazine has called "Wheels with Ed Wallace" the best automotive talk show in America". And I have to agree with them. You see I listen to Ed Wallace as I am surfing the net looking for really cool websites. And I can tell you that on top of his 20+yrs of experience in the automotive industry, he is *Not just doing a radio show*.

He actually "Listens" to his callers, (people who call in to his radio show expressing their concerns about buying a certain car), and "Cares" enough to go into details with a caller to make sure that they a have a Complete understanding, (or as complete as the caller is able to absorb), of the car they are about to purchase. Myself, having called into radio shows before, can tell you that some, if not Most, radio show host; care more about "putting on a show" and promoting their "advertisers" rather than actually helping people. And that's why I have spotlighted Ed Wallace's website "Inside Automotive".

But there's More! I mean sure, Ed Wallace is full of valuable infomation if your looking to buy a new or used car. Or even to figure out what is wrong with the one you got. But then, there is his Stories, from the "Backside of America". I can't really tell you enough about how CooL these stories are so you will just have to tune in to radio 570KLIF in the Dallas, Ft Worth area, Saturday mornings at 8am. and listen. Somewhat comparable to Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story", Ed Wallace's Backside of America, is Much more intreresting, and you actually walk away thinking, "so That's what happened!"

"Too often we take for granted — and appreciate too little — not just what has been given to us, but also the sacrifices it cost previous generations to win those gifts." -Ed Wallace

That's a quote from Ed's article "Cars, Freedom and Low Finance", which is now posted on his "Ed Wallace Blog". Read it for just a taste of Ed's character, and I think you you agree that Ed Wallace's website, "Inside Automotive", deserves a spot here at The SiteFinder!

Friday, September 22, 2006

First Site!

Ok, now that I have told you of my experience with WebTV, Microsoft, and why you should be using Firefox. Time to start reviewing some of my Favorite sites.

First up,

This website is New. And that means that it's owners will be much more "Customer Service" oriented, than Ebay. Not to be confused with Ebay however as ..

  1. "there is no customer service at Ebay;
  2. AutoSalesUSA.net is not an auction site.
Instead it is a classified advertising database, where you can list ALL your "junk" for sale. And currently, as they are new, they are offering FREE Advertising. That means, if you have a piece of junk laying out in your garage somewhere, you can Post an Ad, Sell it, and "Not be charge anything". No listing fees, no final value fees, no hassle, and nothing to lose if your item doesn't sell. Further, and the main reason I have listed AutoSalesUSA.net as a favored site, is because of it's "Design"!

Easy to navigate? Sure. But the real value is in it's "eye appeal". Unlike Ebay and other "classifieds" sites, AutoSalesUSA.net is really Cool to look at. Meaning: "because of all the Cool images and backgrounds they use, it's not boring like the other sites".

More, AutoSalesUSA.net utilizes the power of RSS. And that means that if you use "Firefox" which has a Built-in news reader, or if you use any of the other newsreaders, you will be able to keep track of any "New Listings", "Featured Listings", and in fact, as AutoSaleUSA.net has Many different categories, they offer a different RSS Feed for each category. Including, Cars, Trucks, Trailers, Boats, ATVs, RVs, Motorcycles, Real Estate, and even Pets.

Thus, AutoSalesUSA.net has made Fun Site #1, at SiteFinder.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Not since WebTV have I had so much FUN!!!

Get Firefox!

Not since WebTV have I had so much FUN!!!
Ok, go ahead and Laugh. But the truth is, WebTV was so EASY, that you could spend All your time, "Surfing, and Exploring the Web!"

Yes, I LOVED, My WebTV! And the truth is, more WebTVers (per capita) learn and use HTML, than do Computer users. Not that WebTVers are any smarter than Computer users, you understand. It's just that, "They Have More Time"! Computer crash? Forget about it. WebTV NEVER crashed. Well, not until "Microsoft" took over.

Ok, so, I updated, and Now, I am, a Computer user. And now I understand why there was always a conflict between WebTVers and Computers users in the Chat rooms. Sorry guys. But as a "former" WebTVer, I can tell you that I Didn't understand how much Crap you had to go thru just to get the darn thing to Start Up, Turn Off, or just keep it running. And much less I knew, about how hard it is to surf the net with "Microsoft's Internet Explorer".

I mean, I gotta tell ya, I thought,
Internet Explorer, "WoW", that must be Amazing!
At least, that's how it was represented to me by all those computer users.
But, it's Funny how things change once you find out the truth.
And the truth is, IE is CRAP!!!

I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry! But as I said in a previous post,
"Been there, Done that, and Now", I use FIREFOX!!!

Firefox, in fact, allows me to surf the web even BETTER than I did with WebTV! And even Easier, (barring the computer glitches). ...

AND, as far as IE is concerned, well, Firefox is like driving a 65 Ford Mustang (or a 57 Chevy), and IE is like driving a 20 mule team wagon. In other words, there is no comparasion. One is Fun, and the other is work!

But now don't get me wrong as "I am NOT a Microsoft detractor, and I am NOT a Hater of Capitalism trying to promote Firefox simply because it's *Open Source* and it's *FREE!!!*." (which means I don't get paid for saying these things.) But nevermind the fact that it's free. It's Open Source! Which to a WebTVer, means that "You can make it Do, whatever you want it to do", and, "You can make it Look, however you want it to look", and, "You can make it as simple, or as complicated as you like." Even using it to Build and edit webpages if you like.

At any rate, nuff said bout the whys and wherefores. The plain fact of the matter is that Firefox is just Better! That's all. Well maybe not all as it's FUN to use also. And as having fun on the net is the whole purpose of this blog, I just had to tell ya bout it. (And btw, if you are a IE user, and your worried about, I don't know, "whatever". Then know there is a little gizmo called an "extension", which at the click of a button, will make Firefox Look just like IE.) So do yourself a favor and Get Firefox!

Get Firefox!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Welcome to SiteFinder!

Bored? Looking for Excitment? Or maybe something to just past the time? Well you've come to the right place.


I am your host (sitefinder),
and I am inviting you to Join Me ...(no registration required,)
in a quest to find,
The Most Fun and Exciting websites around.

Feel Free to Post Your favorite websites, using my fabled "Comments" button. (ok so there's nothing "fabled" about it.) But that's just my point! Sites posted here are to be FUN and/or EXCITING!!! (at MY descretion of course.) Which means, of course. NO PORN!!! PROFANITY!!! Or anything Else, I don't like, Period.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm just as perverse as you are. But "one", I figure. That's what "TV's, DVDs, and the Bedroom are for. And "two", I figure. "Ehhh, ...Been There, Done That, Moving Forward Again, and Now!"

(Texas Jet Ski)